A new playground for drinks enthusiasts

Finally! Following the Corona Lockdown, many restaurants and bars will reopen their doors in May. For our friends and partners in industry, this means showing that the protective measures are being followed and that they are ready to receive guests.

With www.fabdrinx.com, we launched a playground for the industry last month to make it easier for beverage brands, bars, and guests to find each other.

On the blog, we already published the first 20 posts and a list of bars in Austria and Switzerland that deliver cocktails. Bars, restaurants, hotels, craft distilleries, breweries, coffee shops, take outs, event locations, caterers and so forth can now register for FREE in our Finder. Upgrades are possible. Our membership packages for SME, startups, and solopreneurs are listed below. Fabdrinx also offers ample possibilities for brands, agencies, and event organizers. If you wish to become a partner or member of Fabdrinx, you can already register here.

An eShop and other features, such as automated listings, will be added shortly. However, we are a small team and Fabdrinx is completely bootstrapped. Therefore, we can only develop the platform according to our resources.

If you wish to support us with a small donation of EUR/CHF 25.00 you can do so via the Paypal Express Button here below. Every donation we receive will be used exclusively for making the platform better for everyone. For larger donations, sponsoring, or collaboration opportunities, please contact us via e-mail. In the interest of our members, we are grateful for any support we may receive. Every little helps!


In the meantime, Fabdrinx is already active on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, where our contents in April were seen by approximately a quarter of a million people. We are happy about everyone who would like to contribute to the project in one way or another. You can contact us at any time to see what synergies we can create.

Free membership – EUR/CHF 0

  • For bars, restaurants, wineries, distilleries, event locations,…
  • Listing in 2 language versions of the website
  • Google coordinates, contact details, picture
  • Example Free Listing: Les Crêtes Winery / Weingut Aosta

To register for FREE, please submit your contact details, including website address, opening hours and a photo of your establishment, if you have, here >>>

For the moment, we are registering our members manually but we are aiming to develop a tool that automates the process. You can help us raise the money for this development by contributing EUR/CHF 25.00 to our crowdfunding campaign using the button below.


Basic Membership – EUR 75

  • For bars, restaurants, wineries, distilleries, event locations, indie brands, small producers, traiteurs
  • Listing in 2 language versions of the website
  • Google coordinates, contact details
  • Listing on the country pinboard: Germany, Switzerland, Austria
  • Social media boost (Pinterest, FB, Insta, LinkedIN, etc.)
  • Insertion mailing (New Member Welcome) – 10,000 Contacts


Extended Membership – EUR 150

  • All services from the “Basic” Pack
  • Own profile (at least 300 words, 2 languages, SEO optimized, link to website)
  • Example Profile: SLUbar AustriaÖsterreich


Premium Membership – EUR 300

  • All services from the “Extended” Pack
  • Editorial (product review, event wrap, at least 300 words, 2 languages)
  • Listing Affiliate Shop Pinterest / Fabdrinx eShop (in preparation)
  • Instagram Branding Day (feed and stories)
  • Example Editorial: Interview with / mit Sipsmith Master Distiller Jared Brown